
Le Fooding presents: can we talk politics at the table?

Thursday 27 Mar 2025 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Free upon registration


An evening of round-table discussions with Le Fooding!

The mantra of families looking for tranquillity at mealtimes, the injunction ‘no talking about politics at the table’ is rarely enough to avoid heated debate.
Despite this implicit rule, discussions on social issues often take place between courses, reflecting the deeply committed nature of the diners. For fear of tensions or sharp disagreements, the meal seems to have to remain a neutral space, so as not to replay a scene from Festen... Yet it is also around the table that ideas are born and other perspectives shaped: the appetite to imagine other possibilities comes from sharing...

Why is the table so political? How can we turn it into a place of contestation? Three Fooding guests discuss the power of the meal as a forum for debate.

What's on the menu?
- 7pm: Mouth-watering debate with Alexandre Coing (co-director of Fooding), Elisabeth Debourse (editor-in-chief) and Adéola Desnoyers de Marbaix-Bordé (journalist and contributor) on the Fooding France 2025 guide, subtitled ‘Françaises, Français...’.

- 8pm: Resistance debate with Florent Ciccoli (owner of Café du Coin, Jones, L'Orillon and Recoin in Paris), Mahaut Le Lagadec (chef-proprietor of Café Enez in Douarnenez) and Alice Béja (researcher and teacher at Sciences Po Lille).

And with all that?
Throughout the evening, there will be four-handed nibbles by Minod Withana Arachchige (La Joie) and Thomas Coupeau's team (pluto), an inclusive wine tasting by Nathan Ratapu (Rerenga Wines), and a selection of books and magazines put together by La Librairie Lafayette Anticipations - plenty to eat, sip and leaf through!