How would you anticipate? #1
Thursday 26 Apr 2018 from 5pm to 7pm

Lafayette Anticipations kicks off the monthly cycle 'How would you anticipate?' with artists Myriam Lefkowitz and Simon Ripoll-Hurier.
Every month, Lafayette Anticipations invites various artists and practitioners to develop a formal, performative, discursive and/or collaborative proposal, to be explored over the course of an evening, based on whatever the notion of anticipation inspires in them. How would you anticipate? is the question asked of guests, chosen for the relationship their practice enjoys with speculation, imagination, research and the quest for alternatives.
Simon Ripoll-Hurier and Myriam Lefkowitz studied this practice and now share it in different domains. Gathering a small group of people around them, like a club or an association, they do regular training in order to hone their skills in non-sensory perception and exploit the poetic potential of their practice. For this session at the Fondation, they have engaged the help of four assistants (Mahitha Dasi, Catalina Insignares, Mira Ramaherilanja and Théo Robine-Langlois) around targets connected to the Fondation. For the occasion, a publication will be designed on-site by graphic designer, Charles Villa.
Entry to this event is unrestricted and free-of-charge, in the limit of available places. The Lutz Bacher exhibition, The Silence of the Sea, remains open during the event until 10pm.
Issu des arts visuels et développant une pratique entre cinéma et radio, Simon Ripoll-Hurier traque des situations d'écoute.
Entre 2014 et 2017, il développe Diana, une recherche qui inclut film, vidéo, performance et création radiophonique, au cours de laquelle il va à la rencontre de différentes pratiques amateurs qu'il met en relation (radioamateurisme, birdwatching, ghost seeking…). En 2020, il dresse le portrait d'un orchestre symphonique Macédonien enregistrant les bandes-sons de films du monde entier (Age of Heroes). Depuis 2018, il explore la Silicon Valley contemporaine sur les traces d'anciennes expérimentations parapsychologiques de la CIA. et élabore une recherche qui prend la forme d'un documentaire de science-fiction.Par ailleurs, il est membre du groupe Les Agamemnonz et a co-fondé *DUUU radio.