Échelle Humaine

Edition 2024

3 days of Festival
From 20 to 22 Sep 2024

6 months ago

Faced with the violence of the contemporary world, the 7th edition of the Échelle Humaine festival brings together artists and works at the boundaries of the imaginary and the real, illusion and the tangible, offering alternative ways of acting, perceiving and understanding.

In collaboration with the Festival d'Automne, as part of the portrait dedicated to the work of Lebanese artists Lina Majdalanie and Rabih Mroué, Lafayette Anticipations is presenting three striking 'non-academic lectures' by Rabih Mroué, which hijack the concept of the lecture by imitating its structure. Here, he exploits the power of the exercise as a public address, by making a shift that deliberately preserves its ambiguity. The illusion is unsettling, the tone neutral, the expertise seems proven, the documents produced suggest authenticity: this is the aim of the game, at once mischievous, moving and ingenious.

Another solo, Figures, by choreographer Dalila Belaza (also with the Festival d'Automne), investigates the possibility of a universal rite, inventing an imaginary traditional dance "without origin or territory" that links the present to eternity, and the intimate to the history of humanity, with the complicity of a mysterious "material character" charged with ancestral resonances.

On the 3rd floor of the Fondation, another solo, Nox, conceived to celebrate the night, unfolds here in broad daylight. The young dancer and choreographer Léa Vinette invites the memory of darkness and the stars to rediscover the singular perceptions they allow, both emotional and physical. Phia Ménard's L'après-midi d'un foehn Version 1 uses air and its movements to create a plastic choreography that intertwines and exposes our relationship with life and artifice.

To close the Friday and Saturday evenings, choreographer Catol Teixeira slips between the audiences with a fluid and festive energy, in perpetual metamorphosis, with La Peau Entre Les Doigts. In the week leading up to the festival, Catol Teixeira also conceived and run a workshop with students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, sharing their research with the audience at the end of the festival. Also on Sunday afternoon, Marie Ndiaye is reading some of her own texts: her words and her voice give birth to other stories. Throughout the weekend, a series of films, a talk with Rabih Mroué, and a dance workshop led by Les Envahisseurs open up yet more spaces for exchange and immersion, so that the micro-frequencies of life vibrate on every floor of the Fondation.

Programme : Amélie Coster et Madeleine Planeix-Crocker

With la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian — Délégation en France, le Festival d'Automne 2024 - Portrait Lina Majdalanie et Rabih Mroué, le Centre culturel suisse. On tour et le soutien de Pro Helvetia and Les Beaux-Arts de Paris, Chaire "Troubles, alliances et esthétiques".

In partnership with Libération.

Saturday 21 September 2024