Camille Blatrix

Born in 1984 in Paris (France), lives and works in Paris (France).
Digital milling, expanded polyurethane foam, dichromatic paint
Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris

View of the exhibition Joining Forces with the Unknown, Camille Blatrix, 2016
© Isabelle Giovacchini
Camille Blatrix’s sculptures carry within them enigmatic situations echoing pieces of unresolved narratives. For this project, Camille Blatrix hybridizes a floor cleaner with a marine mammal to create a half-futuristic, half-organic form beached on the exhibition space, resembling a dysfunctional machine.
The piece awaits both spiritual and technical care, shivering, while maintaining a distance from the observer who becomes a silent spectator of a peculiar situation with no apparent outcome. The sculpture embodies repeated movements of a pre-programmed death.
This piece furthers the artist’s collaboration with the Lafayette Anticipations production teams, initiated on the occasion of the 13th Biennale de Lyon. Together, they deepen the artist’s incursion into more complex production techniques requiring external know-how: 3D imaging, casting and even motorization.
The piece is presented in partnership with CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts (Sans Francisco). Camille Blatrix’s solo-exhibition at the Wattis Institute, titled Heroe in 2016.
Wher was produced in collaboration with Creaform compagny (digital milling)
Romain Guillet (dessin 3D)

View of the exhibition Joining Forces with the Unknown, Camille Blatrix, 2016
© Isabelle Giovacchini

View of the exhibition Joining Forces with the Unknown, Camille Blatrix, 2016
© Isabelle Giovacchini