UT – A mind map / Eaux claires et montagnes violettes
Meris Angioletti

Born in 1977 in Bergame (Italie), lives and works in Paris (France).

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Meris Angioletti, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris
Meris Angioletti was resident at Lafayette Anticipations - Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette, from April to June 2014. Diverting medieval mysteries, she created the Ut project, a series of six tableaux vivants that placed viewers and the space on the same level.
Multiple genres and disciplines were brought together: poetry, Greek tragedy, esotericism and tarot card reading made up this “ambulatory piece” characterised by the absence of narrative and psychology. These two aspects were substituted by symbolic values highlighted by “symbol generators”. The work was accompanied by a multiplicity of languages, and one found fragments of an imaginary idiom that the artist had previously used in the pieces Coro (2011) and Les Captives (2013).
UT - a mind map is a diagram which transcribes and summarises the research carried out for the production of the theatrical work “UT”, which will premiere in June 2015. The reflection about the theatrical space as a passage between the visible and the invisible also gave rise to a second work : Eaux claires et montagnes violettes.
Eaux claires et montagnes violettes is a conference of music and light that deals with extended spatial experiences, with the iconostasis of Henri Michaux’s “dessins mescaliniens”, taking in the songlines of the Australian aborigines.