Untitled (Bottle Window Corridor) / Untitled (The Black Step)
Gabriel Sierra

Born in 1975, lives and works in Bogotá (Colombie).

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Gabriel Sierra, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris
The artist spent a week in residence at Lafayette Anticipations - Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette, in December 2013. Gabriel Sierra centred his work around the reuse of materials, and he installed specially designed windows made of glass recycled from Perrier bottles. These were placed on the ground floor and first floor of Lafayette Anticipations.
Untitled (Bottle Window Corridor), 2013-2014
Untitled (The Black Step), 2013-2014
Gabriel Sierra’s works test the idea that forms and materials constitute an architectural language and can, in this way, be considered as systems for the transmission of values. The artist acts directly in the spacial vocabulary of Lafayette Anticipation by replacing certain windows and skylights by panes of glass made from melted Perrier bottles, which not only alter the light, but also the atmospheres of the rooms they are found in. In their turn the stairs between two floors are modified. Their surface is changed so that crossing them constitutes a new experience.

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Gabriel Sierra, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Gabriel Sierra, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Gabriel Sierra, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris