The Resurrection Plot
Pauline Curnier Jardin

Born in 1980.
Vidéo et accessoires de la performance
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Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin - Acquisition 2015

Pauline Curnier Jardin, The Resurrection Plot, 2015
Gert J. van Rooij
With her Resurrection Plot Pauline Curnier Jardin takes the audience on an idiosyncratic journey through the Renaissance nodding toward the period’s emphasis on renewal, revival, and regeneration.
Via a series of singing tableaux vivants drawn from a wealth of historic and anachronistic sources as diverse as witchcraft, voguing, and the animal kingdom, the artist plays across sixteenth century pageantries. The performance pays tribute to Renaissance "misfits" among them painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo, ceramicist Bernard Palissy, and writer François Rabelais, all known for the overgrown and carnivalesque saturation of natural elements in their work. With her way of juxtaposing incongruous elements - where regenerative animals such as lizards and cicadas meet allegories of planets - Curnier Jardin creates an eccentric "Gesamtkunstwerk" that reconsiders the Renaissance from a subversive perspective challenging the figure of the "Renaissance Man" and its conquering hubris.
Produced by Performa in association with Lafayette Anticipation - Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette, Paris.
Co-presented with Pioneer Works.
Supported by PSM gallery, Berlin, Amy and Ronald Guttman, the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, Institut Français à Paris, and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S.
Production specifications
The Fondation preserves and documents traces of the works at various stages of their creation (sketches, models, prototypes, etc.).
The Resurrection Plot est présentée dans le cadre du festival Drodesera XXXVI : "World Breakers" au Centrale Fies (Dro, Italie)
26 July 2016
The Resurrection Plot est montrée dans "100% Expo" à La Villette (Paris, France)
25 March 2016
Performance de Pauline Curnier Jardin "The Resurrection Plot" dans le centre culturel Pioneer Works (Red Hook, Brooklyn)
04 November 2015
Performa 15
01 November 2015
Performa Magazine Behind the Scenes: Pauline Curnier Jardin
19 September 2015
Collaboration entre Lafayette Anticipations et Performa 15
Lafayette Anticipations réaffirme son engagement en faveur des scènes émergentes de la performance et de la danse contemporaine en s’associant à Performa, institution pionnière en la matière.
03 September 2015
Pauline Curnier Jardin