A Film Set (1/3)
Xavier Antin
Born in 1981, lives and works in Paris (France).
Galerie Crèvecœur, Paris
Xavier Antin was resident at Lafayette Anticipations - Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette, in January and February 2014. Building on his previous projects, he produced A Film Set, a film that uses a long tracking shot to combine the insights of a model railroad landscape creator, a military drone pilot and a London stock trader.
The film was shot in the artist’s studio at Lafayette Anticipations. Xavier Antin placed a mobile phone on a model railroad circuit to capture videos of the scenery.
A Film Set is a series of three abstract films, subtitled with conversations carried out with three people whose professions engage them in a specific relationship with the image and representation: a trader at the London City, the director of a model railway park in the South of France and a drone pilot in the USA.
The research for this project was also supported by CNAP (National Centre for Visual Arts).