View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Assi Joseph Meidan, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris
Joseph developed a work informally entitled “Circle of Memory”, taking inspiration from the spirit of the building at 9 rue du Plâtre. In this context, he created pieces that, taken as a whole, he characterises as a kind of “memorial”. Part of his project at Lafayette Anticipations - Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette, consisted in “acting upon the building’s archaeology” by reusing materials found on-site in his basement studio. He also began creating a “new memory” by working on the perception of a light-image projected for a few seconds in a dark room.
Devenir gris, Devenir gris, 2014
Her to her, there to there, 2014
Oh no, don’t worry, 2014
Montrent de la peur lorsqu’il se tourne pour se cacher, 2014
Assi Joseph Meidan likes saying that the work he produced at Lafayette Anticipations results from a dialogue between the format of the monument and the salon. Over five months spent in residence, the artist developed a certain sensibility to the state of things as he found them and their likely disappearance. These works are an attempt to save, materially and mentally, all the forms met with. The light, marble, dust and assembled metal describe his sensation of time and the persistence of vanished forms.

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Assi Joseph Meidan, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Assi Joseph Meidan, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Assi Joseph Meidan, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris

View of the exhibition Venir Voir Venir, Assi Joseph Meidan, from July 3rd to 6th 2014, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris