Yngve Holen

Born in 1982 in Braunschweig (Allemagne), lives and works in Berlin (Allemagne).
Installation, metal, plastic, leather, glass, fabric, paint, foam
Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin - Acquisition 2016

View of the exhibition Joining Forces with the Unknown, Yngve Holen, 2016
© Isabelle Giovacchini
The Porsche Panamera cut into four pieces like a cake testifies a sacrificial gesture imposed unpon a mass-produced luxury object elevated onto the alter of art. Yngve Holen set out to work with a Porsche Panamera, which is promoted as a hybrid between a family and a sports car and, because of this, is unique in its kind.
After pursuing research into its origin, design and industrial background, Yngve Holen, whose practice often deals with industrial design and its applications, intervened on this object drastically, but with much care. He cut the car into four parts with a diamond cutter and presented them from the inside-out, thus rendering their “guts” visible to the public. Thought this act, he points directly to the car’s design and capacities, but perhaps also to its flaws. The artist ultimately questions whether notions of speed and security can ever meet.
Cake was festured at Kunsthalle Basel during the exhibition VERTICALSEAT from May 12 to August 14, 2016.
Karl Storms (cutting expert)
Jan Van Gils et Stefano Bernier (supplier and technical support for the cutting)
Stéphane Tombeur (locksmith)
Patrick Ferragne et Mathilde Protot de Art Project (installation)
Kyle Joseph et Matthew Evans (artist's assistants)

View of the exhibition Joining Forces with the Unknown, Yngve Holen, 2016
© Isabelle Giovacchini
Production specifications
The Fondation preserves and documents traces of the works at various stages of their creation (sketches, models, prototypes, etc.).
Vues de l'exposition Faisons de l'inconnu un allié
du 11 au 23 octobre 2016, 16 rue Debelleyme, Paris
11 October 2016
Montage de l'exposition Faisons de l'inconnu un allié
Insertion de la porsche depuis rue de Belleyme
06 October 2016
Plans 3d
12 July 2016
Montage de l'exposition VERTICALSEAT à la Kunsthalle de Bâle
05 May 2016
Production : Réalisation du socle
11 April 2016
Découpe de la Porsche
06 April 2016
24 March 2016
Production : Prototypage
23 March 2016
Production : Réalisation du socle
21 March 2016
Production : Achat de la Porsche
08 March 2016
Production : recherche de partenaire technique
08 January 2016
Production : recherche du véhicule
24 November 2015
01 June 2015
Elena Filipovic
- producer