Julien Discrit

Born in 1978 in Épernay (France), lives and works in Paris (France).
HD video, color, sound, 10’47’’
Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin
Julien Discrit and Anne-Sarah Bénichou Gallery

Julien Discrit, 67/ 76 (still)
© Courtesy of the artist and Anne-Sarah Bénichou Gallery
Amongst his exhibited pieces is his film 67/76 that takes as its subject an event which forever marked the history of the city of Montreal and its residents.
The project marks the interval from 1967 to 1976, a time period that corresponds to the Montreal World Expo and the fire that engulfed the geodesic dome designed for the occasion by Richard Buckminster Fuller. The film production was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin.
The post-utopian video deals with the problematics entailed by the Expo 67’s period, through the reconstruction of the fire while also highlighting an important part of the cultural history of the 60’s and 70’s. These issues are echoed by a voice-over that narrates scenarios of the extinction of the human species, renewable energy sources, automatization or guaranteed income for all. These words cite the Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969), a book written by Buckminster Fuller, that powerfully resonates the issues faced by our contemporary society.
With the support of FNAG, the CNAP and Lafayette Anticipations – Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin.