Ève Chabanon

Portrait d'Ève Chabanon © Lafayette Anticipations
Born in 1989 in Poissy (France). Lives and works in Londres (Royaume-Uni).
Ève Chabanon studied at the Haute École des Arts du Rhin (HEAR) in Strasbourg and at the Open School East, London/Margate. Through performance, writing and objects, Ève Chabanon creates situations – involving most often local communities, marginalized groups within and outside of educational structures – that produce spaces for questions and arguments.

Her project is The Anti-Social Social Club: Episode One, The Chamber of the Dispossessed, a performance set up as a public debate at Barking Town Hall council chambers (2017). The purpose was to discuss, with a cross section of the borough, how to govern ourselves, how to organise, live, work and survive together. Sitting in the same seats and using the same microphones as the councillors, the audience became active participants, transforming the location into an imaginary shelter; this moved beyond art or theatre, and underlined the way in which open debate should be incorporated in the democratic political process.

Ève Chabanon is currently working on two exhibitions, at Frac Grand Large (Dunkirk) and Clearview (London), both in 2018. She will also take part in the group exhibition The Center Cannot Hold at Lafayette Anticipations in Paris (2018).

Abou Dubaev in the Lafayette Anticipations workshop, 2018
Abou Dubaev in the Lafayette Anticipations workshop, 2018 © Lafayette Anticipations

Exhibited at Lafayette Anticipations

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