

⇢ Lifetime #28 | CONCORDIA 01, Lafawndah and Trustfall

CONCORDIA 01 is the first piece in a series of night performances by Lafawndah and Trustfall, designed as a bridge between sleep and wakefulness.

Lafawndah is an artist and composer with an unpredictable style.

Born in Paris, Lafawndah has travelled extensively: from New York to Tehran via New Delhi, from Mexico to the tropics, the musician cultivates an aesthetic of displacement for herself as well as for her mutant art, a new musical continent on the margins of East and West.

In 2020, the artist released The Fifth Season on the Parisian label Latency, which explores the collective dimension of ritual as well as the healing powers of repetitive music, influenced as much by Egyptian zar, traditional Indian music and gnaoua as by the totems of American minimalist music such as Steve Reich or Monte Young.