Mohamad Abdouni

Soft Skills

Exhibition from 16 Oct 2024

In 39 days

Free entrance

Monday Closed

Tuesday Closed

Wednesday 11am - 7pm

Thursday 11am - 9pm

Friday 11am - 7pm

Saturday 11am - 7pm

Sunday 11am - 7pm

Mohamad Abdouni describes his work as a way to "preserve the stories that are condemned every day to be erased".

In this respect, his photographic practice could be said to be based on relationships: relationships with the people who trust him with their archives; relationships with these same archives and the people they document. It is also a practice of caring, tenderness and gentleness that supports work with technology and sensitive AI.

For his solo exhibition at the Fondation, Mohamad Abdouni follows this line, this time adopting an introspective approach and diving into his personal and intimate history. Reassessing his relationship with the Bekaa, the region in which he grew up, he questions the voices and bodies that populate his memories and his imagination. He uses figures and media, and combines temporalities, relationships and desires.

Curator: Caroline Honorien

With Usbek & Rica and Manifesto XXI

Credit image: My Father in Zebra, 1977. Chromogenic process print © Mohamad Abdouni, 2024


Mohamad Abdouni is the laureate of the 2023 Production Support from Lafayette Anticipations, awarded to one of the artists of the Galeries Émergentes sector of Paris+ par Art Basel, renamed Emergence Sector of Art Basel Paris in 2024.

Free entrance

Monday Closed

Tuesday Closed

Wednesday 11am - 7pm

Thursday 11am - 9pm

Friday 11am - 7pm

Saturday 11am - 7pm

Sunday 11am - 7pm