

⇢ Lifetime #27 | Reading, Mélanie Matranga

Especially for "Lifetime", Mélanie Matranga recorded Reading, a superimposition and juxtaposition of sound layers of various natures.

Born in Marseille in 1985, Mélanie Matranga lives in Paris, where she graduated from the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA).

Winner of the Frieze Artist Award and nominated for the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard Prize in 2014, she has benefited from several solo and group exhibitions, both in France, notably at the Palais de Tokyo in 2015, and abroad, at Tongewölbe T25 (Ingolstadt), Indipendenza (Rome), Artists Space (New York) and Museum Ludwig (Cologne). The same year, she is represented by the Karma International gallery in Zurich, where she presented the exhibition titled A perspective, somehow. In 2016, she also took part in "Incorporated", the 5th edition of the contemporary art biennale Ateliers de Rennes. She is represented by the Karma International art gallery in Zurich, where her work was exhibited in 2015. In 2018, she presents a solo exhibition at Villa Vassilieff, Paris.