

Editathon Art+Feminism / Hypatia Vourloumis

The Paris edition of the Art+Feminisms Editathon designed by Flora Katz, alongside Wu Tsang, invited the public to contribute through two days of meetings and writing.

Hypatia Vourloumis lives and works in Athens, Greece.  She holds a Ph.D in performance studies from New York .

Her research interests focus broadly on anticolonial, feminist, critical race and queer theory; Indonesian and modern Greek cultural production; philosophies of language; theories of aesthetics, music, poetics; sound studies.

She received the NYU Deena Burton award for outstanding research for her dissertation on the performance of postcolonial paralanguage in Indonesia. She is co-editor of Performance Research journal 'On Institutions' and has published in journals, art catalogues and edited volumes including Women & Performance, Ephemera, and Theatre Journal. She teaches at the International Centre for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies and is a research fellow at the Research Centre for the Humanities in Athens.