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Warm Up Session with Serafine1369
Saturday 13 Nov 2021 from 10am to 11:30am

/!\ In the context of the current health crisis, we regret to inform you that this Warm Up Session will not take place due to the impossibility for the artist to travel to Paris.
Working through and with internal and external sensations, the textures of time, and morphing, SERAFINE1369 proposes to share this space as a collective experimentation of their performance I I I (something flat, something cosmic, something endless) programmed on November 17, 2021 at Lafayette Anticipations.
A cycle curated by Madeleine Planeix-Crocker.
Sportswear recommended, all levels.
The Warm Up Sessions stem from the desire to collectively discover, embody and question training techniques in performance. The series aims to situate the warm up as a vital step in the creation of performance pieces. Thus, training is understood as a starting point for choreographic, dramaturgical or performative productions, both a process of sharing and reflecting.
Based upon inclusive invitations, the Sessions seek to deconstruct silos between movement and thought. The series offers a space to practice and discuss, open to all, and conceived in close partnership with guest artists. In this experimental terrain, audience members become active participants, giving birth to an ephemeral and recurring event.
SERAFINE1369 (anciennement Last Yearz Interesting Negro) est l'artiste et danseur.se Jamila Johnson-Small, basé·e à Londres. SERAFINE1369 travaille avec la danse comme une entreprise philosophique, un projet politique avec des ramifications psycho-spirituelles éthiques; à savoir la danse comme une technologie intime.
SERAFINE1369 travaille avec la danse comme une entreprise philosophique, un projet politique avec des ramifications psycho-spirituelles éthiques; à savoir la danse comme une technologie intime.
SERAFINE1369 a une pratique relationnelle, cumulative et souvent collaborative, et travaille à différentes échelles et dans différents rôles pour construire des espaces de communion/adaptation/communication à travers la danse, la performance, l'écriture, l'écoute et la conversation.
Son travail s'inspire d'une recherche intime sur le mouvement et la danse en tant qu'outil de prédiction - décodage des messages d'un corps oraculaire - sur les plans personnels/structurels/symptomatiques/somatiques/psychiques.
Madeleine received her Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University before pursuing a Masters in « Media, Arts and Creation » at HEC Paris and a Master 2 in gender and performance studies at the EHESS. There, she led an arts-based research project with the nonprofit Women Safe, where she continues to facilitate a creative writing and theatre workshop. Madeleine is currently completing her PhD at the EHESS ; her dissertation research examines contemporary methods for devising performance in France.
Her most recent writing can be found in CURA., OnCurating, SwitchOn Paper, and EarthKeepingEarthShaking. She has curated two group shows : Spine at GIANNI MANHATTAN as part of Curated by (Vienna, 2024), as well as Scabs at the Mécènes du Sud (Montpellier, 2023). Madeleine pursues her training in contemporary dance.