Warm Up Session

Warm Up Session Maguy Marin

Sunday 03 Mar 2019 from 3pm to 4pm

Free access by reservation

Maguy Marin, Warm Up Session, Lafayette Anticipations
Warm Up Session © Lafayette Anticipations

For this next Session, we are delighted to welcome French choreographer Maguy Marin.

She will discuss the role of warm ups in her practice that not only invites bodies to dance, but also sounds, words, and ideas. This method is particularly present in her landmark piece May B (1981), presented from February 27 to March 12 at the Théâtre de la Ville, and inspired by Samuel Beckett's corpus. Speech that provokes movement or her embodied action, such are the themes at the heart of the next Warm Up Session.

Warm Up Sessions : a training for the body and mind. From jumpstyle to ballet, from break dance to contemporary, practice then discuss the indispensable movements and gestures that anticipate a performance - the ultimate moment of sharing with an audience. Each Session will begin with a warm up led by the invited dancer or collective, and will be followed by a discussion on themes bridging body movements and social realities : the performativity of the human condition, circulations and physical disruptions in a decorporalized era. With the Warm Up Sessions, we aspire to associate bodily effort with mindful effervescence.

A series curated by Madeleine Planeix-Crocker.
Maguy Marin, Warm Up Session, Lafayette Anticipations
Warm Up Session © Lafayette Anticipations
Originaire de Toulouse (France), Maguy Marin est danseuse et chorégraphe de danse contemporaine. Sa carrière considérable lui a fait réaliser pas moins d'une quarantaine de pièces et obtenir huit prix honorifiques. Son répertoire mêle danse classique, ballet moderne et non-danse.
Après avoir suivi des études de danse classique à Toulouse, Maguy Marin entre au ballet de Strasbourg. Son expérience à l'Ecole Mudra (Bruxelles) change ses conceptions chorégraphiques. Elle s'inspire également du travail de Pina Bausch, en Allemagne, se situant à la croisée du théâtre et de la danse. Ses célèbres pièces May B (1981) et Cendrillon (1985) font partie des oeuvres les plus représentatives de la Nouvelle danse française, un courant apparu dans les années 1970.
Madeleine Planeix-Crocker is Associate Curator at Lafayette Anticipations.


Madeleine is also co-director of the "Troubles, Alliances et Esthétiques" Chair at the Beaux-Arts de Paris and a permanent member of the Scientific Research Council of the ESAD, Reims.

A graduate of Princeton University in cultural studies, Madeleine earned a Master's degree in Media, Art and Creation from HEC Paris and a Master's degree from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). There she led an arts-based research-action project with Women Safe non-profit, where she now facilitates a theater and creative writing workshop. Madeleine is currently a PhD candidate at the EHESS (CRAL), studying practices for commoning in contemporary performance.

She has been practicing dance and theater since childhood.