Simon Senn
Wednesday 23 Sep 2020 from 6:25pm to 7:35pm, from 6:30pm to 7:40pm
Thursday 24 Sep 2020 from 6:30pm to 7:40pm

Simon Senn, Be Arielle F
© Martin Argyroglo
Simon Senn
Be Arielle F, 2020
The performances on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September at 8:30 pm are sold out.
However, free tickets are available to attend the performance on 23 September from your home (live on Zoom) and to take part in the discussion that will follow.
To do so, please register via our free ticket office. You will then receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to which you will connect on September 23rd at 8:25 pm.
Simon Senn buys online the digital replica of a female body, once downloaded, he animates it with sensors, of those commonly found today: there it is "in" a woman's body, through his 3D glasses at least. The experience is disturbing. Who is this woman? Can he make this digital body do whatever he wants to and with it? Doesn't this virtual form open him up to a new sensuality?
He manages to find the young woman whose body has been scanned, and begins a dialogue with her that continues today, questioning this third digital body that exists between the two of them.
He also tries to dialogue with the salesman, with a lawyer, with a psychologist, to understand what he can legally make this body do, to question this disorder, to know if he is affected by the now attested "Snapchat dysmorphia", this psychic disease that makes people want to transform themselves to resemble their online image. Specialists are hesitating; it would seem that law and psychology are not moving as fast as reality.
In a theatrical lecture that is also a demonstration and a confession, Simon Senn exposes how virtual and real are not opposed, and reveals the unexpected interplay between image, sensuality, technology, law, psychology and gender.
However, free tickets are available to attend the performance on 23 September from your home (live on Zoom) and to take part in the discussion that will follow.
To do so, please register via our free ticket office. You will then receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to which you will connect on September 23rd at 8:25 pm.
Simon Senn buys online the digital replica of a female body, once downloaded, he animates it with sensors, of those commonly found today: there it is "in" a woman's body, through his 3D glasses at least. The experience is disturbing. Who is this woman? Can he make this digital body do whatever he wants to and with it? Doesn't this virtual form open him up to a new sensuality?
He manages to find the young woman whose body has been scanned, and begins a dialogue with her that continues today, questioning this third digital body that exists between the two of them.
He also tries to dialogue with the salesman, with a lawyer, with a psychologist, to understand what he can legally make this body do, to question this disorder, to know if he is affected by the now attested "Snapchat dysmorphia", this psychic disease that makes people want to transform themselves to resemble their online image. Specialists are hesitating; it would seem that law and psychology are not moving as fast as reality.
In a theatrical lecture that is also a demonstration and a confession, Simon Senn exposes how virtual and real are not opposed, and reveals the unexpected interplay between image, sensuality, technology, law, psychology and gender.
Echelle Humaine / Simon Senn, Be Arielle F

Simon Senn a obtenu un Bachelor of Fine Arts à la Haute école d’art et de design de Genève et un Master au Goldsmiths College à Londres.
Au premier abord, son travail semble suggérer qu’il est un artiste socialement engagé, s’élevant contre un certain type d’injustice. Pourtant, ses œuvres révèlent parfois une approche plus ambiguë, explorant des apories plutôt qu’articulant des critiques adressées. Même si ses vidéos ou installations sont normalement basées sur une certaine réalité, une fiction s’y mêle souvent. Be Arielle F est sa première proposition pour la scène, avec laquelle il a reçu le deuxième Prix Premio d’encouragement pour les arts de la scène en 2019.