Roxanne Maillet, From Mondyke to Sundyke
From Saturday 08 to Sunday 16 February 2020
Free entry
Free access

Call for flaming trans and cis dykes, angry dykes and camp feminists...
Roxanne Maillet, artist-graphic artist-activist, occupies the Agora, this open and passing space with an inclusive perspective, a concern for visibility and emancipation. Between popular education and riot dyke practices, she proposes the graphic exploration of queer signs of recognition through different supports: tee-shirts, fanzines, posters, armbands...
On the program, various appointments:
Saturday 8, from 5 pm to 8 pm
Sunday 9, Monday 10 and Friday 14, from 1 pm to 4 pm
Sunday 16 February, from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Screen printing marathon on textiles
Marathon of screen printing on textiles. The public is invited to create t-shirts from logos of major brands hijacked by Roxanne Maillet and designs proposed by her many guests: Élise Carron, Céline Le Gouail, Eugénie Lempaszak, Marine Peixoto, Clara Prioux, Louise Siffert and the RER Q and EAAPES collectives.
It's possible to bring your own t-shirt (or tote bag) or to buy one on site.
Free entry without reservation.
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 February, from 11 am to 19 pm
Workshop around lesbian visual (counter-)cultures:
with Géraldine Gourbe (curator and art critic) and Roxanne Maillet
Research, writing, editorial production and exhibition
Accessible to all
Lesbian visual (counter)cultures - leaflets, posters, editions, flyers - have contributed greatly to the women's emancipation, gay and AIDS movements. However, they are still the poor relation of both graphic design and memory practices. Interpelled by this observation, Roxanne Maillet and Géraldine Gourbe would like to reactivate the spirit of the "dyke of dykes", Monique Wittig "Make an effort to remember. Or, failing that, invent. »
In order to welcome you and meet your expectations, pre-registration is recommended, but if you feel like stopping by at the last minute, you will also be welcome. Information and registration on
Saturday 15 February, at 6 pm
Launch of the new issue of the publication "Vnouje" with Cécile Bouffard & Clara Pacotte
Festive launch of the 3rd issue of the magazine Vnouje, a "lesbian epic", a collective writing adventure, enhanced with each new issue by a small sculpture. With the collective Fusion (Cécile Bouffard, Roxanne Maillet Clara Pacotte).
Free entry without reservation
On the program, various appointments:
Saturday 8, from 5 pm to 8 pm
Sunday 9, Monday 10 and Friday 14, from 1 pm to 4 pm
Sunday 16 February, from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Screen printing marathon on textiles
Marathon of screen printing on textiles. The public is invited to create t-shirts from logos of major brands hijacked by Roxanne Maillet and designs proposed by her many guests: Élise Carron, Céline Le Gouail, Eugénie Lempaszak, Marine Peixoto, Clara Prioux, Louise Siffert and the RER Q and EAAPES collectives.
It's possible to bring your own t-shirt (or tote bag) or to buy one on site.
Free entry without reservation.
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 February, from 11 am to 19 pm
Workshop around lesbian visual (counter-)cultures:
with Géraldine Gourbe (curator and art critic) and Roxanne Maillet
Research, writing, editorial production and exhibition
Accessible to all
Lesbian visual (counter)cultures - leaflets, posters, editions, flyers - have contributed greatly to the women's emancipation, gay and AIDS movements. However, they are still the poor relation of both graphic design and memory practices. Interpelled by this observation, Roxanne Maillet and Géraldine Gourbe would like to reactivate the spirit of the "dyke of dykes", Monique Wittig "Make an effort to remember. Or, failing that, invent. »
In order to welcome you and meet your expectations, pre-registration is recommended, but if you feel like stopping by at the last minute, you will also be welcome. Information and registration on
Saturday 15 February, at 6 pm
Launch of the new issue of the publication "Vnouje" with Cécile Bouffard & Clara Pacotte
Festive launch of the 3rd issue of the magazine Vnouje, a "lesbian epic", a collective writing adventure, enhanced with each new issue by a small sculpture. With the collective Fusion (Cécile Bouffard, Roxanne Maillet Clara Pacotte).
Free entry without reservation

T-shirt Design

Workshop around lesbian visual (counter-)cultures:
Roxanne Maillet interroge le texte, sa mise en forme et sa lecture en tant que pratique collective ainsi que dans une perspective dyke féministe. Son travail se manifeste sous les formes de reading group, de livres, de typographies, de tee shirts…
Roxanne Maillet, initiatrice depuis 2016 du Cave Club, lectures de textes écrits par des femmes qu’elle invite et dont elle fait la restranscription sous un format éditorial. Travaille actuellement avec Auriane Preud’homme à la publication du premier numéro de la revue Phylactère dédiée à la restitution et la partition de performance. Roxanne Maillet développe également un travail de recherche graphique et de diffusion autour de l’écriture inclusive et des glyphes non-genrés. Elle crée en 2017 : Out of Closet qui est une collection de mots sérigraphiés sur des t-shirts. Ce sont aussi des signes distinctifs pour un réseau de lesbiennes absolument occupées à incarner les attitudes qui les définissent.
Roxanne Maillet est diplômée de l’École Nationale supérieure des beaux arts de Lyon et de l’ERG, Brussels.
Géraldine Gourbe est philosophe, critique et commissaire d’art. Elle est spécialiste de la scène artistique de la Californie du sud, de l’histoire des pédagogies radicales et du féminisme inclusif.
Elle a enseigné la philosophie de l’art à l’ENSAD, l'Université de Metz, Sciences Po Paris, aux Beaux-arts de Marseille et d’Annecy. Elle a signé en 2018 une exposition à la Villa Arson autour de l’œuvre de Judy Chicago et de la côte Ouest dans les années 60, intitulée « Los Angeles, les années cool ». Depuis 2015, elle œuvre à une contre-lecture de l’histoire des idées et de l’art de la France de 1947 à 1989 en partenariat avec l’historienne de l’art Florence Ostende. Cette recherche a donné lieu au commissariat de la première édition de la Triennale d’art et de design de Dunkerque Gigantisme. Elle co-signe avec Hélène Guenin l’exposition au Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain de Nice She Bam Pow POP Wizz : les amazones du Pop, mai-septembre 2020. Elle a publié un ouvrage collectif sur la scène alternative de Los Angeles In the Canyon, Revise the Canon, savoir utopique, pédagogie radicale, et artist run spaces en Californie du sud, Shelter Press, Rennes et une monographie sur l’artiste Judy Chicago, To Sustain the Vision, Shelter Press, Rennes (mars 2020).