Reto Pulfer, Angiozustand
From 8 to 16 February
Free entry
Free access

Reto Pulfer, Angiozustand
© Martin Argyroglo
This “Zustand” – a German noun that roughly translates to a condition or state of things, mental or physical, like the French état des choses – is made of works from 2011-2019, which have been regrouped here to form an environment for conferences, workshops and screenings.
A self-taught artist, Reto Pulfer uses painting, writing, drawing, music and a smattering of salvaged objects to build intuitive and enveloping installations that explore notions of language, botany, landscape and nomadism. The Angiozustand installation in the form of tents and large pieces of fabric delineates a perimeter that evokes a public underground space, such as those found in shopping centres in North America – labyrinthine and autonomous root-like spaces. Like a grotto, the work produces its own thermic and hygrometric variation, and invites visitors into an “oblique voyage”, as the artist calls it, that lends well to meeting and exchange.
Reto Pulfer est né en 1981. Il vit et travaille à Berlin.
Reto Pulfer utilise la peinture, le dessin, l’écriture, la musique, des objets trouvés et des matériaux du quotidien tels que des textiles, aliments et aromates afin de créer des environnements à la fois intuitifs et complexes, œuvres d’art totales à vivre et percevoir en synesthésie.