Mette Ingvartsen
Saturday 26 Sep 2020 from 12:30pm to 12:55pm, from 2:15pm to 2:40pm, from 4pm to 4:25pm
Sunday 27 Sep 2020 from 1:15pm to 1:40pm, from 3pm to 3:25pm

Mette Ingvartsen, Manual Focus
© Martin Argyroglo
Mette Ingvartsen
Manual Focus, 2003
Manual Focus, a photographic term, refers to the manual focusing of images - as opposed to auto-focus. With their naked bodies and old men's masks, the three performers in this visual piece bring out new images and create unknown creatures.
Faces are rotated 180°, arms become legs, top and bottom are reversed, front and back as well. And here are born animals with twelve legs, disorganized figures, chimeras. Through unexpected connections between naked and masked, artificial and real, young and old, human and animal, the bodies we know - identified, gendered, ordinary bodies - are transformed into monsters, fabulous and moving. They open the way to new glances, to the possibility that the banal becomes absolutely unexpected. But since monsters never become familiar, they disappear, merge into others, leaving it to our memory to reinvent them.
Faces are rotated 180°, arms become legs, top and bottom are reversed, front and back as well. And here are born animals with twelve legs, disorganized figures, chimeras. Through unexpected connections between naked and masked, artificial and real, young and old, human and animal, the bodies we know - identified, gendered, ordinary bodies - are transformed into monsters, fabulous and moving. They open the way to new glances, to the possibility that the banal becomes absolutely unexpected. But since monsters never become familiar, they disappear, merge into others, leaving it to our memory to reinvent them.
Echelle Humaine / Mette Ingvartsen, Manual Focus

Mette Ingvartsen est une chorégraphe et danseuse danoise.
Son travail se caractérise par l'hybridité et s'engage dans l'extension des pratiques chorégraphiques en combinant la danse et le mouvement avec d'autres domaines tels que l'art visuel, la technologie, le langage et la théorie. Entre 2009 et 2012, elle crée The Artificial Nature Series, dans laquelle elle cherche à reconfigurer, par le biais de la chorégraphie, les relations entre humain et non humain. Naissent alors trois performances dépourvues de présence humaine : evaporated landscapes (2009), The Extra Sensorial Garden (2011), The Light Forest (2010). Sa série plus récente, The Red Pieces (2014-2017) s'inscrit dans une histoire de la performance centrée sur la nudité, la sexualité, et la façon dont le corps a été historiquement un lieu de luttes politiques. Elle inclut les pièces 69 positions (2014), 7 Pleasures (2015), to come (extended) et 21 pornographies (2017). En 2019, elle crée Moving in Concert, une pièce de groupe abstraite sur les relations entre humains, outils technologiques et matériaux naturels. Mette Ingvartsen est diplômée de P.A.R.T.S et de la Stockholm University of the Arts.