Kaoutar Harchi and Fatima Ouassak in conversation
Monday 20 Mar 2023 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Sold out
In french

This unprecedented talk between Kaoutar Harchi, sociologist and writer, and Fatima Ouassak, political scientist, moderated by Madeleine Planeix-Crocker, curator associated with Lafayette Anticipations, will lead to a discussion on contemporary ecological movements and the animal question.
It is a matter of questioning our connections to the living world in order to understand the links between them and to think about the decompartmentalization of our spaces of sharing, study and creation.
By drawing on social and artistic practices, the exchange will show the development of a toolbox that can be activated in favour of justice, liberation and collective transformation.
Image credit: Emitte Hych.
By drawing on social and artistic practices, the exchange will show the development of a toolbox that can be activated in favour of justice, liberation and collective transformation.
Image credit: Emitte Hych.
Kaoutar Harchi is a writer and sociologist.
She is the author of an autobiographical story, Comme nous existons, published by Actes Sud. Kaoutar Harchi is also interested in the animal question, in relation to the feminist and racial question. She is the author of the article Les animaux avec nous, nous avec les animaux, published by the magazine Ballast.