Félicia Atkinson, Space is an instrument
Saturday 22 Feb 2020 from 2pm to 3:30pm

"Space is an instrument": deep listening session.
For 1h30, Felicia Atkinson will share with you a secret playlist, to be listened to deeply in a simple moment, without image.
Workshop limited to 16 participants.
Félicia Atkinson has received a grant from the CNAP for the development of the Space is An Instrument project and will give a concert the next day at Lafayette Anticipations during the Oto Nove festival.
Workshop limited to 16 participants.
Félicia Atkinson has received a grant from the CNAP for the development of the Space is An Instrument project and will give a concert the next day at Lafayette Anticipations during the Oto Nove festival.
Félicia Atkinson is a visual artist and experimental musician born in Paris and currently residing in Rennes.
She is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris and has also followed the Bocal pedagogical course at the initiative of choreographer Boris Charmatz.
Her music is a combination of improvisation and superimposed composition, as an abstract and mysterious woven material, where the voice meets electronics, acoustic instruments, electric distortions. His various opuses, from cassettes to records, including CDs and CD-Rs, have already been published by labels such as Home Normal, HIbernate, Spekk, Cooper Cult by Fluid Audio and also a radio piece by French cultural radio. She also performs and records under the pseudonym Je Suis Le Petit Chevalier and is part of the duo Naked Island with Ensemble Économique (Peak Oil).
She has performed in venues as diverse as the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Café Oto in London, Issue Project Room in New York, Fylklyggen in Stockholm, and the Maison de France in Rio de Janeiro. S
Felicia Atkinson co-directs with Bartolomé Sanson Shelter Press Editions. She is currently in residence in La Becque, Switzerland.