Eleanor Bauer, A lot of moving parts
Thursday 20 Sep 2018 from 6pm to 7pm
Friday 21 Sep 2018 from 6pm to 7pm
Last minute tickets are available at the ticket office

Eleanor Bauer, A lot of moving parts, Lafayette Anticipations, 2018
© Martin Argyroglo
In her new solo titled A lot of moving parts, American choreographer Eleanor Bauer prods at the Greek etymology of her own discipline: khoreía "circular dance" and graph "writing" to locate the fragile place of writing in the embodied practices and mostly oral traditions of dance.
A lot of moving parts presents both thoughts in motion and a movement in thoughts. Bauer focuses here on the frictions, collisions and impossible translations between dance and language with her poems and essays that accompany the performance. In her choreographic search for "the simplest containers in which the complexity of dance can thrive". Bauer creates an intimate context in which the audience can feel their way through the dance with all of their senses. Her body appears and disappears in a room of squishy, luminous, and sonic modules that continuously reconfigure the physical, imaginary, and symbolic space of the performance.
Concept, choreography, text, and performance: Eleanor Bauer
Music: WATT (Jean Dousteyssier, Jean-Brice Godet, Antonin-Tri Hoang and Julien Pontvianne)
Costumes: Sofie Durnez
Lights: Jonatan Winbo
Assistance: Irma Von Platen
Production: GoodMove vzw
With the support of SKH Stockholm University of the Arts, DOCH University of Dance and Circus, Kaaitheater (Brussels), and Lafayette Anticipations.
Special thanks: Centre national de la danse (Pantin)
World premiere on the 20th of September 2018 at Lafayette Anticipations in partnership with Festival d’Automne à Paris.
Thursday, 20 and Friday, 21 September at 8PM.
Duration: 1 hour.
Concept, choreography, text, and performance: Eleanor Bauer
Music: WATT (Jean Dousteyssier, Jean-Brice Godet, Antonin-Tri Hoang and Julien Pontvianne)
Costumes: Sofie Durnez
Lights: Jonatan Winbo
Assistance: Irma Von Platen
Production: GoodMove vzw
With the support of SKH Stockholm University of the Arts, DOCH University of Dance and Circus, Kaaitheater (Brussels), and Lafayette Anticipations.
Special thanks: Centre national de la danse (Pantin)
World premiere on the 20th of September 2018 at Lafayette Anticipations in partnership with Festival d’Automne à Paris.
Thursday, 20 and Friday, 21 September at 8PM.
Duration: 1 hour.

Since 2005 Eleanor Bauer has been developing a personal practice which plays with different formats of live performance: from talk-shows to cabaret, musical theatre or poetry marathons.
She studied dance at NYU in New York before furthering her training at P.A.R.T.S in Brussels where she lived from 2004 to 2017. She now resides in Stockholm where she is a current PhD candidate in Choreography at the SKH Stockholm University of the Arts.
Eleanor Bauer has danced for many international choreographers such as Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Boris Charmatz, Xavier Le Roy, and Trisha Brown, as well as for visual artists such as Matthew Barney and Emily Roysdon.