Work from the Collection

Sans titre

Date: 2008
Medium: Digital pigment print on paper
Materials: pH neutral paper, Medium wood pannels
Collection: Lafayette anticipations - Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin
Domain: Photographies
Contemporary to the Miroirs Noirs series (2008), Untitled explores visual artefacts by transforming geometric cut-outs from magazines into enigmatic flat black surfaces that the artist has created through superimposition by spray painting the following pages. The result, which plays on the mechanical interference of image production, is then digitised, printed in large format, and partially affixed to a diptych of medium wood panels leaning against the wall and distributed at different heights along a staircase. Here, the stereotypical media representation of idyllic interiors is disrupted by a process of partial obscuring, suggesting their smoothness and superficiality. By drawing on the diverse flow of images (Internet, press, film), Clément Rodzielski significantly alters its materiality to question our representation of the world, adding the series Grands a like a swansong to an art that can now be perceived as symbols.

Text written by Veronika Doszla as part of the partnership between the École du Louvre and Lafayette Anticipations – Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin.


Antidote 4
La Galerie des Galeries, Paris (France)
from 09 Oct to 06 Dec 2008