I'm raining

I'm raining is a work made up of an anti-radiation fabric that blocks electromagnetic waves, on which a grid of aluminium sheets is placed. The shape is reminiscent of a window in an industrial building or a panel of surveillance screens. As a shield against waves and thermal radiation, the work takes a stand against a world where radiation is intensifying. The aesthetic effect produced on the fabric, oxidised in places by a liquid that forms runs—it could be light rain, tears, or an organic liquid—reflects the artist’s fascination with liquids, fungi, and mould. This disturbance in the anti-radiation fabric questions our relationship to the body, to technology, and to the invisible world of waves that surround us, with a strange, mysterious aesthetic that draws on our fantasies and fears.
Text written by Clara Delettre as part of the partnership between the École du Louvre and Lafayette Anticipations – Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin.
Heidi Gallery, Berlin (Allemagne)
from 15 Sep to 28 Oct 2023