Dansé version 4

Dansé version 4 is a photograph that captures an anonymous man’s jump. Photographed from behind, his body tense, he seems to float among the passengers in the station’s space. The photograph freezes the precise moment of his ascent in the air and suspends his movement in time. It is part of the photographic series Dansé, exhibited in 2005, which explores the notions of gravity, time, and movement by capturing levitating bodies. Daniel Firman finds multiple echoes between the gestures he captures and the visual dance of the 1990s and 2000s, notably through work on posture, maintained immobility, and the gesture-action found in Dansé version 4. The whole series offers a reflection on the body and its relationship to space through danced gestures, proposing a choreographic grammar that is more widely deployed in the artist’s sculptural work with Attitudes and Gestes dansés.
Text written by Suzana Danilovic as part of the partnership between the École du Louvre and Lafayette Anticipations – Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin.
La Galerie des Galeries, Paris (France)
from 13 Sep to 03 Nov 2007