Work from the Collection

Change is Truth - A+B

Artist: Timur Si-Qin
Date: 2018
Materials: Aluminium, Led lighting
Collection: Lafayette anticipations - Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin
Domain: Photographie

The works of Timur Si-Qin evoke, not without ambiguity, contemporary theoretical debates about biology, technology and materialism. Change is Truth raises paradoxes: change that is spelled out, such as in an advertising slogan, may be seen as an ode to the flux inherent to life or, on the contrary, a reference to consumerist habits shaped by programmed obsolescence, or perhaps an awakening to climate change. The illuminated screens that convey this message recall the ubiquitous advertisement screens of urban spaces. Uncertainty is inherent to the image itself: is it a close-up of a rocky ground or a bird’s-eye view of a desert landscape? The lack of scale invites viewers to re-think the position of Man in the midst of all this change.


Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris (France)
from 11 Oct 2019 to 16 Feb 2020