Artist of the Collection

Berenice Olmedo

Born in 1987 in Oaxaca, Mexique

Berenice Olmedo uses debris as raw material for her sculptures. Largely inspired by the portrayal of marginalized groups, her work unfolds around two axes: the transformation of the remains of stray dogs into everyday products (clothes, soap...) and the recovery of discarded prosthetics. This second creative process expresses the artist’s interest in the dependence of human beings from birth. She seeks to provoke a reflection on the things that elevate or diminish so as to encourage us to question our relationship with the elements of everyday life. Between dependence and oppression, the prosthesis is positioned as both a supportive metal skeleton and a temporary straitjacket for a more independent adult life.

Born in 1987 in Oaxaca, Berenice Olmedo studied at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla. She lives and works in Mexico City.