Romain Noël

His transdisciplinary research focuses on art forms in the age of extinction, the links between emotional life and magical practices, and anti-humanist ecologies. With Marielle Macé, he co-edited the special issue of the journal Critique entitled "Vivre dans un monde abîmé" ("Living in a damaged world"). As well as writing about contemporary art, he has published BDSM Apocalypse (Klima Magazine, lundimatin), Pourquoi des potions à l'heure de l'Extinction (Frûctose), Mycélium, petit conte post-apocalyptique (Le murmure éditeur), and Devenir Médiums (Les Presses du Réel). After a master's degree at EHESS, he has just completed a thesis on contemporary art at the Centre d'Histoire de SciencesPo, entitled "La Vengeance des Affects: une aventure dont vous êtes le terreau".