Benoît Piéron

Born in 1983 in Ivry-sur-Seine.
Benoît Piéron works on creating moments, installations, and objects exploring the sensuality of plants, the limits of the human body, and the temporal nature of waiting rooms. His creative journey covers various practices, including patchwork, existential gardening, and wallpaper creation.

Affected by a long-term illness, Benoît Piéron maintains a very close relationship with the hospital ecosystem. He has developed a practice inspired by this environment and seeks to lend a plasticity to illness. Far from the romantic heroism of typical metaphors for disease, Piéron positions himself in a joyful gray area. Through his art, he strives to explore these uncharted territories, viewing them not as a burden but as a potential source of creative expression.

Selected exhibitions: Coming Soon, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris (2024); Slumber Party, Chisenhale Gallery, London (2023); Der pinkelnde Tod, Kunstverein Bielefeld, Bielefeld (2023); Avant l’Orage, Bourse du Commerce, Pinault Collection, Paris (2023); uMoya: The Sacred Return of Lost Things, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool (2023); Exposé.es, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2023); Horizones, Fondation Pernod Ricard, Paris (2022); Bandage, galerie du Haïdouc à l’Antre Peaux, Bourges (2022); Illness Shower, Sultana Summer Set, Galerie Sultana, Arles (2022); Deux drapeaux, Une Belladone, L’alcôve, Paris (2021); VIH/sida, l’épidémie n’est pas finie, Mucem, Marseille (2021); Plaid, Cité internationale des Arts, Paris (2021); Mort is more, Brasserie Atlas, Brussels (2021).

Work from the Collection