Martin Margiela

This series is based on images taken from videos of lip reading, a method of communication for the deaf and hard of hearing that has been used since the late nineteenth century as a process of normalization, making deafness a pathology to be remedied through the often authoritarian learning of verbal language.
Each of these works corresponds to a syllable, a sound that remains indecipherable. These mouths—sometimes classical, sometimes seductive—are deformed. They bear witness to the complexity and difficulty of formulating inner intentions while symbolizing the primacy of verbal exchange to the detriment of other forms of communication between beings. Martin Margiela has developed a singular technique here: the mouths are tattooed with a laser on silicone plates whose colour is close to that of the skin. They thus appear to be engraved on an epidermis, a territory into which they are inextricably integrated and whose inner activity they attempt to reveal.
Production specifications
Etat final des plaques de silicone
Encrage bleu des plaques de silicone
Nettoyage des plaques
On enlève l'encre projetée au laser. Le silicone conserve l'impact de la projection créant ainsi un épiderme sur la plaque.