
Marcelo Evelin, Ai, Ai, Ai, 1995

Monday 20 Sep 2021 from 6pm to 6:45pm

Tuesday 21 Sep 2021 from 6pm to 6:45pm

Wednesday 22 Sep 2021 from 6pm to 6:45pm

8 - 12 €

Marcelo Evelin, Ai, Ai, Ai - Lafayette Anticipations © Marc Domage

Ai, Ai, Ai is a self-portrait tinged with irony, a poetic journey to the emotional roots of the Brazilian choreographer who has been away from his country for a long time.

A highly personal solo, conceived from a process of investigation of the body itself, between the present moment and memory. The ambiguous title refers both to the singer Carmen Miranda and to the tears of the dancer who has been exiled for many years.
It is also a sharing of memories with his partner at the time, John Murphy, and the filmmaker Karim Aïnouz - whose memory permeates the work.
Twenty-six years after its creation, Marcelo Evelin re-enacts this founding solo and confronts his past once again.

Conception, choreography and interpretation: Marcelo Evelin
Super 8 film: Karim Ainouz
Set and Costume Design: John Murphy
Assistant choreographer: Christiana Cavalcanti
Sound: Jaap Lindijer
Lighting: Marc van Gelder
Technique: Gui Fontineles
Music: Ella Fitzgerald and Brazillian "Chorinhos
Broadcasting: Regina Veloso / CAMPO arte|Casa de Produção
Production assistants: Gui Fontineles and Humilde Alves
Production: Demolition Incorporada
Marcelo Evelin, Ai, Ai, Ai | Echelle Humaine 2021

Marcelo Evelin est danseur, chorégraphe et chercheur. Il travaille au Brésil, au Japon et dans plusieurs pays européens en tant qu'artiste indépendant avec sa plateforme Demolition Incorporada, basée à CAMPO, un espace de résidences et de résistance des arts du spectacle à Teresina, Piauí.

Ses pièces De Repente Tudo Tudo Preto de Gente, Batucada et A Invenção da Maldade circulent actuellement dans des théâtres et des festivals du monde entier. Marcelo Evelin enseigne à la Higher School of Arts d'Amsterdam depuis 1999 et crée des projets avec des universités et des institutions, notamment l'ISAC (Bruxelles), le Musée Reina Sofia (Madrid), EXERCE (Montpellier) et le CND (Paris).

En 2019, il a obtenu le titre de docteur honoris causa de l'Université fédérale de Piauí.