Mohamed El Khatib

After Moi, Corinne Dadat, which asked a cleaning lady and a ballet dancer to take a look at their skills, he continued his exploration of the working class with the monumental play STADIUM, which summoned 58 Racing Club de Lens supporters to the stage. With the children from divorced parents, he questioned on radio and screen what the family can produce as a narrative. With historian Patrick Boucheron, he drew a popular history of art through the snow globe.
Alongside his projects for the stage, Mohamed El Khatib has developed a plastic research in collaboration with several artists. In Savoie, alongside Valérie Mréjen, he initiated the creation of the first art centre in Ehpad. At the Collection Lambert in Avignon, he imagined a sentimental exhibition by bringing together precarious curators from the Abbé-Pierre Foundation and members of the museum staff.
At Mucem, he created the monumental Renault 12 exhibition, inspired by the car journeys of Franco-Maghrebi families.
Mohamed El Khatib is an associate artist at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, the Théâtre National de Bretagne and the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.