Artist of the Collection

Audrey Nervi

Born in 1974 at Lyon, France

Audrey Nervi’s work depicts today’s world as seen from its margins. Her working method is always the same: from photographs taken during her travels, she creates canvases with a hyper-realistic feel that portray communities living on the fringes of society. Through the pictorial language, she sets them up as symbols of causes which are meaningful to her. These take on meaning against the backdrop of night-time meetings or after-parties, through which the artist bears witness, with a particularly frank aesthetic, to the socio-political tensions linked to current events.

Born in 1974 in Lyon, Audrey Nervi graduated from the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon (1999) and the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris (2000). She lives and works in Berlin.