Hella Jongerius
Interlace, textile research
Exhibition from 07 Jun to 08 Sep 2019
5 years and 7 months ago
Hella Jongerius is one of international design's most influential figures. Working from her Jongeriuslab in Berlin, her theoretical and experimental research explores multiple themes, often addressing the significance of colours and materials. The project she has imagined for Lafayette Anticipations is centred around textile and weaving. In the world of fast fashion, textiles have become a throwaway product. This exhibition questions how we consider textiles within our lives, and the cultural, social and economic implications of textile production and consumption today. Over recent decades, we have become less aware of how our textiles are made, while artisanal production techniques are being lost. Industrialisation, mechanisation and globalisation have taken textile production away from individual understandings. Interlace exposes the viewing public to the textile production process in order to create awareness, re-valuation and appreciation for textiles. It shows what consumers don't usually see: the research and experimentation, the tools and materials, the trial and error that are as important as the result itself. Throughout the three months of the exhibition, the public will be able to see new textile pieces being woven in the gallery space.
Associate curator: Anna Colin
In partnership with Ideat, Trois Couleurs and le Bonbon
With the support of Tronrud Engineering, Dept. Digital Weaving Norway, manufacturers of the TC2 loom Thanks to the European flax spinners, certified Masters of Linen: Decoster Caulliez, Fir, Lambrecht, Linificio E Canapificio, Safilin, J. Toulemonde; members of the Confédération Européenne du Lin et du Chanvre l CELC.