Stéphanie Lagarde

Her work focuses on the strategies implemented by living beings to maintain and/or contest control of real and virtual territories through systems of signs, objects and languages. She creates conflicting scenarios from assemblages of sounds, images and texts from multiple sources.
She won the National Competition Award at Leiden Shorts in 2022; the New Discovery Award at FICBUEU in 2022; the Best Film Award in the International Competition at BISFF (Beijing) in 2021; the Grand Prize at BIEFF (Bucharest) in 2019; the First Prize in the International Competition at Short Waves Festival (Poznan) in 2019.
Her work is exhibited at EMST Athens, Greece; Plato Ostrava, Czech Republic; Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany; Frei_raum Q21 MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Austria; Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia; Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany; Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, Australia; Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
Her videos have been shown in festivals such as IFFR (Rotterdam), Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (Switzerland), BISFF (Beijing), Berlin Atonal, Videonale (Bonn), Transmediale (Berlin), DOKLeipzig, Vienna Shorts (Austria), Curtocircuito (Spain), Berlinale Forum Expanded (Berlin).