Julien Lacroix

He regularly collaborates on shows by Ivana Müller, Robert Cantarella, Lazare, Toméo Verges, Alix Boillot, Malika Djardi, Yaïr Barelli, etc. He is a member of the De Quark collective. He created the performances En vacance at the Musée des Abattoirs in Toulouse, Fassbinderologie with novelist Alban Lefranc at the Correspondances de Manosque, and Julian et Julien with Julian Eggerickx at the Palais de Tokyo.
He created a performance with the curator Anissa Touati at Artport - Tel Aviv.
He has directed and produced some thirty fashion shows, notably for the Koché brand in Paris, Tokyo, New York, Milan and Marseille.
He directed the singer Lomepal on his Flip, Jeannine and Mauvais Ordre tours, as well as concerts by Joanna, Myd, QuinzeQuinze and Johan Papaconstantino.