Elisabeth Lebovici

Elisabeth Lebovici completed a PhD in Aesthetics in 1983. She has been writing art criticism since 1985, and was an arts and culture editor for Libération, from 1991 to 2006. Since 2006, she regularly writes her critical blog: http://le-beau-vice.blogspot.com/
An AIDS activist, Elisabeth was the inaugural president of the Paris LGBT film festival, and is currently a founding membre of the LIG « Lesbians of General Interest » fund.
An AIDS activist, Elisabeth was the inaugural president of the Paris LGBT film festival, and is currently a founding membre of the LIG « Lesbians of General Interest » fund.
She has been involved since the 1990’s into writing on feminism, activism, queer politics and contemporary arts. In 1998, she edited L’Intime (Paris, ensb-a). She is the author, with Catherine Gonnard, of a history of women artists in France between 1880 and nowadays: Femmes/artistes, Artistes/femmes, Paris de 1880 à nos jours (Paris, Hazan, 2007). With Catherine Gonnard, she is currently involved in a research on lesbian culture in the francophone media in the 1950’s - 1960’s.
Her latest book What AIDS Has Done To Me. Art and Activism at the End of the XXth C, (JRP Ringier, « lectures Maison Rouge » 2017) has received the Prix Pierre Daix 2017 in art history.
Elisabeth is in charge (with Patricia Falguières and Natasa Petresin-Bachelez) of a weekly seminar at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris titled: Something You Should Know: Artists and Producers.
Elisabeth is a member of « Travelling Féministe », around the archives of the Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir.