Clémence Agnez

After a double degree in philosophy and fine arts, Clémence Agnez became involved with Glassbox in 2011 and co-directed it in 2014 before opening up governance to a collegial form in 2019.
She is preparing a thesis in aesthetic and political philosophy at Paris Nanterre under the supervision of Anne Sauvagnargues entitled "Déplacement et prédation, techniques muséales contemporaines et désubjectivation de la figure de l'artiste".She teaches philosophy and current affairs of art at the Duperré school, at the University of Paris VIII Saint-Denis, at the Beaux-Arts of Montpellier and at the Beaux-Arts of Clermont-Ferrand, collaborates with the magazine Zérodeux and intervenes in various art schools and universities in France and abroad. Whether at Glassbox or in his thesis work, her attention is focused on forms of production and artistic practices that favour a decentring of the subject through specific cultural devices (technical, narrative or curatorial devices).