Céline Fantino

In her work, she develops the concept of "hypnagogic cinema" (hypnagogia referring to the moment between sleep and wakefulness, a state conducive to generating fleeting visions). It is around this in-between space that she constructs her films. Close to magical realism and science fiction, her narratives create spatiotemporal games, in which she interrogates the relationship to individual and collective memory and recollection. She advocates for an immersive filming practice, where the gaze is inside the subject and the camera is a tool for enhancing perception. Her films document the settings and subjects she encounters in daily life, from which she draws poetic strength.
Céline Fantino joined the Villa Arson and developed a video and installation practice around the notion of hypnagogic cinema. From 2015 to 2019, she co-directed a self-managed art space in Bagnolet and a music studio dedicated to minors in irregular immigration situations. In 2022, she curated the exhibition "Born Again, Raised by You" at POUSH (Clichy) with the collective Eaux Fortes. Her work has been exhibited notably at the Grande Halle de la Villette (Paris), Radicants (Paris), POUSH (Clichy), and MAMAC (Nice).