Acauã El Bandide Sereia

She explores the in-between of interactions and uses the "Gambiarra" (game) to search for possible images of Democracy in the bodies of queer performance. She seeks to reposition pedagogical and artistic language between confusion, dreams, nightmares, the subtle and the obscene. In 2022 she completed her Master's degree at ICI - Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier with the projects Além de vocês, o que tem pra comer hoje? and Nuages clouds nuvens intergalactiqueer. She danced in the shows Apocalypso by Luara Radio, En Feijoada by Calixto Neto and Ana Laura Nascimento, and in Nadia Beugré's piece Prophétique (on est déjà né-es).
Acauã El Bandide Sereia is an artist supported by La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne in 2022/ 2023. She currently lives in Saint Denis.